Dress Your Body, Fashion Your Soul

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What’s your clothes got to do with spirituality or your inner self?

And why do we dress the way we  dress? Why we feel great wearing an outfit and why certain clothes simply are not you – no matter by which brilliant designer no matter the quality material or how fab they look on a hanger or on others.

Inner and outer world interacts within you more powerfully than you know. See, sounds, shapes, colours, fabrics, your style influence you but also those around you. Simply by realising your style type you can understand and accept your self in a new deeper way. Your talents, priorities, life’s calling are better understood.

Come and have fun exploring OCTO CODES with Hana and experience first hand how fashion/clothes can bring a welcome shift in your daily life….OC is inspired by ancient I-Ting, natural flow of yin & yang energies and decades of experience of Táňa Havlíčková, a Czech fashion designer, with whom Hana studied and is OC certified coach.

About Hana:
As far as my memory can reach I was fascinated by nature and life, by beauty and form and colours, by vibrant visuals and stories and the magic we can create in our life. I studied English and Film, and later homeopathy, a body centred therapy & coaching, and others, but it was not a surprise to me that I fell in love with OCTO CODES. Everything I love merges together in this fun and yet deep method and I  am so excited about bringing OCTO CODES to England and to you.


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