Foundations in Shamanism

Event Details

This event is running from 3 March 2024 until 4 August 2024. It is next occurring on Sunday, August 4, 2024 2:00 pm

Foundations in Shamanism

Shamanism involves a return to our own true power – but what is it!? How can I practice Shamanism? What does it mean for me – and indeed the world at large?  Just a few of the questions surrounding the mystery of shamanism that I will be touching on in an upcoming course. You will have the opportunity to learn about the oldest spirituality that we know about dating back at least some 40,000 years. You will also learn how to journey and access the shamanic realms, an exploration into the magic and mystery of the world that we inhabit, how to source your own healing and support, how to communicate with the world at large to unravel answers to questions you may have, and The Four Directions with their pillars for day-to-day living – as you dive deep into your soul and psyche and remember yourself home.

This is an experiential course and will comprise of a series of monthly sessions, on the first Sunday of the month from 2pm – 4pm from March to August.

No prior knowledge is required, but it is recommended that you have had at least one shamanic healing ahead of the course.

You will need to join all sessions, but life does get in the way and so catch ups will be arranged for any session missed (with an additional cost).

The cost of the training will be £180 for all 6 sessions.

Places are limited, so please contact me for more information and to book – tel : 07957 655663 (WhatsApp is best) / – and we will schedule a brief call to chat it through.

About Me

I’ve been immersing myself and learning about religion and spirituality all my life, before I discovered shamanism for myself. I have studied shamanism with Simon Buxton of The Sacred Trust on the Three Year Practitioner Training (;  Alberto Villoldo of The Four Winds and The 300 hour Energy Medicine Training (; as well as Kirsty Inglis of Ayni West ( For me, Shamanism has been the single most transformative healing modality bringing real changes in my life – greater power, joy, health, ease – and much more besides.  I love the exploration and discoveries I make about shamanism and myself -and the world at large.  There is always more and it keeps on giving with endless depths of wisdom and wonder. I love sharing what I have learnt about shamanism – with both healings and teachings.

Do have a look round my website to see more about me and my work :

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