Posture of the Month – November – Shoulder Stand

Namaste friends ~ As we settle into the dark part of the year it’s time to snuggle up, keep warm and prepare for the winter. The flame colours of autumn leaves against a beautiful blue sky were stunning today, and tonight is clear and starry. Many people have been celebrating Diwali, the Festival of lights, a celebration of abundance and happiness with fireworks, candles and lamps in a multitude of bright colours.

After a busy few weeks I decided that the balancing and restorative effects of some favourite inverted postures were in order this week.

Shoulder Stand (sometimes called Candle Pose) benefits the whole body in improving circulation and rejuvinating the nervous system.

Lying on the back, bend the knees and lift the feet; then, pressing down into the arms, engage the abdominal muscles and start to lift the torso, bringing the legs up overhead with knees bent.

Bring the hands onto the back for support, tuck the shoulders under and bring the elbows closer together.

Straighten the legs and extend upwards – spread toes and bring energy into the feet. Relax the neck.

Connect with your breath and enjoy being upside down!

Take care coming down, and counterpose in Fish pose.

Enjoy the golden autumn leaves, the fireworks and the stars, and let yourself shine.

Safia x


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